Monday, May 14, 2018

Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

Book Description:

Of course I want to be like them. They’re beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever.

And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe.

Jude was seven years old when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King.

To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences.

In doing so, she becomes embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, discovering her own capacity for bloodshed. But as civil war threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.

Reviewer's Copy: Hardcover

Source: Purchased

My Thoughts:

I fell in love with the brutality of the prologue. It told of the time before Jude and her sisters were whisked off to Faerieland. It was enough of a peek into the characters lives and personality during distressing and life-threatening times. As the story unraveled, the surface level that was shown in the prologue morphed into a deep sea of secrets. The characters had so much layers to them. It was a joy to peel them off one by one and witness what’s underneath.

Jude was mortal, born to die like all humans, in Faerieland. She was numb of panic and danger, to the point that she became bold. Her skill with a blade was something that I truly admired. But there was more to Jude than just being the mortal daughter of the redcap general’s deceased wife. Her mortality and the fact that she was prone to the various perils of Faerieland gave her reason to fight even harder and to beat the Gentry around her. Her dedication and grit was admirable. On top of that, she was a fast learner and clever. Although she was human, she had a drop of Madoc’s thirst for violence.

Taryn was Jude’s more feminine twin. She was the innocent girl that painters have long dreamt to paint. She was the one who insisted Jude to follow the rules - the one who held Jude back. However, I didn’t find her likable from the start. There was something about the lack of action, the lack of urgency and the lack of dedication in her character that bothered me. Taryn always wanted to be on the safe side.

Madoc’s character was so incredibly well-developed and well-written. The redcap general, who had the blood of Jude’s parents in his hands, has captivated me. He was bloodthirsty, as a redcap naturally was, however he also had a great sense of responsibility and honor. He took Jude and her sisters back to his estate in Faerieland and raised them. He personally tutored them on bladesmanship, fought for their right to be educated as the Gentry children were and provided for them. I saw his softer, more vulnerable side, when Jude came home almost naked after a bullying incident. He was so powerless because his adopted daughter was powerless. She was human and vulnerable to such pranks from her Gentry classmates. He was the strongest general of the High King, have defeated thousands of foes and captured kingdoms for the crown, and yet he couldn’t save his daughter from this pain and humiliation. It made my heart melt. His talent was true cunning, always plotting and always one step ahead.

Cardan was complex. He was not an easy character to like. There was too much cruelty around his persona. Although his character had portions to it: considerate, evil, annoying, vulnerable. It was hard to know who he really was and what he really wanted even with his exposed layers. I wish we could have known more about him in the first book. I’m looking forward to knowing more about Cardan and perhaps, finally understanding him, in the sequel.

Politics in fantasy was always a welcome detail for me. The story was dripping with it. There were so much attacks and counterattacks, hidden meaning and codes, secrets brushed under rugs and shadows lurking. I sat at the edge of my seat sometimes, holding my breath as I waited for good luck or bad luck to befall the characters. Everyone was plotting in the hopes of getting the upper hand. It was like watching a violent game of chess, pawns coming forward only to be terminated. Just like in chess, even the king and queen were not safe. Each chapter enticed and teased the readers before reaching a crescendo and exploding into action. However, I felt like there was more to be explored in the characters and lives of the princes, to better understand the unfolding of the story.

Overall, I loved the family dynamics that the story tackled. It was thick with tension, complexity, misunderstandings, pain and history. It was such a problematic setup and yet, I still got the sense of family in the story. It wasn’t the best scenario but they were trying. The writing itself was fluid and enjoyable. It was easy to fall prey to its hypnotic quality.

The Cruel Prince was a heart-stopping fantasy filled with action, cunning and adrenaline. It was beautiful and dark, filled with feels and quotes. I highly recommend this to avid readers of fantasy and readers looking for fey stories, particularly the darker ones.

4.5 Cupids = Obsessive book love.
I strongly recommend this!

Monday, March 05, 2018

Review: A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

Book Description:

Hardcover, 1st, 624 pages
Published May 3rd 2016 by Bloomsbury USA Childrens

Feyre survived Amarantha's clutches to return to the Spring Court—but at a steep cost. Though she now has the powers of the High Fae, her heart remains human, and it can't forget the terrible deeds she performed to save Tamlin's people.

Nor has Feyre forgotten her bargain with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court. As Feyre navigates its dark web of politics, passion, and dazzling power, a greater evil looms—and she might be key to stopping it. But only if she can harness her harrowing gifts, heal her fractured soul, and decide how she wishes to shape her future—and the future of a world torn apart.

Reviewer's Copy: Hardcover

Source: Purchased

My Thoughts:

Warning: Might contain spoilers for people who have not read A Court of Thorns and Roses.

A Court of Mist and Fury broke my heart to pieces in ways that I never imagined, and put it back together again. After reading the ending of A Court of Thorns and Roses, I couldn't wait to get my next dose of Rhysand.

Feyre was back in Tamlin's arms after the disastrous and painful time under the mountain. Despite the relief of having Tamlin back, there was something troubling Feyre. In the process of saving the cursed immortal boy that she loved, she broke herself beyond repair. In the sequel, we witness a different kind of Feyre - floating and broken. It was life-changing to see her slowly healing from the tragedy and trauma she experienced. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This was true in Feyre's case. She came back stronger as High Fae.

I fell in love with the Persophone-esque twist to the story, when Rhysand would whisk Feyre away to the Night Court. I found the Night Court filled with life, brilliance and entertainment, so different from what everyone in the novel imagined it to be: a dark, dire place with torture. Rhysand's court thrived in magic, art and wonders. The sounds and smells, tastes and sights of every corner of Velaris gave me life. The artists' quarters was vibrant. It was the perfect hangout that I would very much like to visit.

Rhysand was the dream boy of every fangirl alive. In A Court of Thorns and Roses, I found more reasons to fall in love with his character. He was such a giving, considerate and sweet character. He gave space when there was only confinement, chance when there was a dead end, and strength when Feyre only had weakness. Rhysand and Feyre's banter was entertaining. There was much to analyze in their conversations. The tension between them was so electrifying that you could feel it on the pages.

Rhysand's inner circle is my new favorite team. Azriel and Cassian thoroughly brought on the entertainment and humor. Eventhough Azriel didn't really have that much lines in the book. His actions and gestures spoke volumes for him. I loved his shadowy personality. Cassian and Mor made me laugh several times throughout the story. Amren intrigued me with her old world history and otherworldly vibes. Rhysand and Feyre, together with the inner circle, made the Night Court a worthwhile place to stay in.

The writing was beautiful, woven from one line to another in strategic plotting. I loved reviewing the breadcrumbs that Maas left in A Court of Thorns and Roses, and connecting it to A Court of Mist and Fury. Maas was a master plotter. I loved every bit of the foreshadowing that was involved in the series. I kept reading back and forth. There was a different kind of magic in unraveling the connections between the installments.

A Court of Mist and Fury was the perfect, wild blend of romance, action, adrenaline and humor. It was action-packed, emotionally-charged and humor-injected. I highly recommend this series to all fantasy fans!


5 Cupids = Eternal book love.
I will never, ever, ever forget this book. I highly recommend this!

Monday, August 07, 2017

Celebrating Debutantes 2017: The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti

Hi guys! I'm featuring another playlist on Fragments of Life for #CelebratingDebutantes2017. Chelsea will share about her playlist for The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett, which was released January of this year! Stick around for a special giveaway at the end!

Hawthorn wasn't trying to insert herself into a missing person's investigation. Or maybe she was. But that's only because Lizzie Lovett's disappearance is the one fascinating mystery their sleepy town has ever had. Bad things don't happen to popular girls like Lizzie Lovett, and Hawthorn is convinced she'll turn up at any moment-which means the time for speculation is now.

So Hawthorn comes up with her own theory for Lizzie's disappearance. A theory way too absurd to take first. The more Hawthorn talks, the more she believes. And what better way to collect evidence than to immerse herself in Lizzie's life? Like getting a job at the diner where Lizzie worked and hanging out with Lizzie's boyfriend. After all, it's not as if he killed her-or did he?

Told with a unique voice that is both hilarious and heart-wrenching, Hawthorn's quest for proof may uncover the greatest truth is within herself.

1. Le Pastie de la Bourgeoisie by Belle & Sebastian

The main character of the HUNDRED LIES OF LIZZIE LOVETT is Hawthorn Creely, a book nerd who sees herself as an awkward social outcast. This being the case, Le Pastie de la Bourgeoisie could be her theme song.

2. Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival

The book begins with popular, beautiful Lizzie Lovett disappearing—during a full moon. Soon enough, Hawthorn finds herself oddly obsessed with the missing persons case. Not only does Bad Moon Rising make me think of the night Lizzie disappears, it’s also an omen for the trouble Hawthorn is about to find herself in.

3. Psycho Killer by Talking Heads

After Lizzie goes missing, rumors begin to circulate that she was murdered by her boyfriend, Enzo. When Hawthorn meets and befriends Enzo, people are aghast—after all, he’s most likely a serial killer.

4. Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division

Hawthorn never believes Enzo is a killer, though. She’s convinced he’s nothing but a sad guy who misses his girlfriend—the kind of person who makes art while listening to angsty music (like Love Will Tear Us Apart, which is playing at his apartment one evening) not the kind of person who murders women in the woods.

5. You're Nobody til Somebody Loves You by Dean Martin

Hawthorn remarks at one point that old music sounds haunted to her. This song would fit the bill. Added bonus: the fictional town where THE HUNDRED LIES OF LIZZIE LOVETT takes place is based on the real life hometown of Dean Martin, Steubenville, Ohio.

6. I'd Love to Change the World by Ten Years After

Though Hawthorn is obsessed with Lizzie Lovett’s disappearance, there are other things concerning her. Such as the hippie caravan that’s taken up residence in her backyard. The leader of the caravan, Sundog, spent his youth listening to quintessential hippie songs like I'd Love to Change the World. (Maybe not much has changed—Hawthorn would love to change the world too.)

7. People are Strange by The Doors

From hippies to potential killers, Hawthorn meets a lot of strange people on her journey to solve Lizzie’s disappearance. Though, in all honesty, Hawthorn might just be the strangest of them all.

8. Personality Crisis by New York Dolls

Throughout THE HUNDRED LIES OF LIZZIE LOVETT, Hawthorn grapples with who she is and what her path in life should be. Eventually, she begins to think she’s not the only one who’s had these thoughts. Lizzie, the beautiful girl who looks so perfect from the outside, might be battling demons of her own. Hawthorn wonders if perhaps no one is as perfect as they seem, if maybe we all struggle in one way or another.

9. That’s How People Grow Up by Morrissey

Growing up sometimes means facing harsh truths about yourself and the world around you. As she gets deeper and deeper into the mystery surrounding Lizzie’s disappearance, Hawthorn discovers more about herself and the people around her—and not all of it is easy to accept.

10. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by The Animals

As the song goes, Hawthorn’s intentions are good. But even the best intentions can get misconstrued, or end up hurting people. Though her interest in Lizzie’s disappearance begins innocently enough, as Hawthorn gets deeper and deeper involved, her actions have unintended consequences. Though Hawthorn has always felt like an outsider, she’s about to be more misunderstood than ever before.

Thank you, Chelsea!

About the Author:

Chelsea Sedoti fell in love with writing at a young age after discovering that making up stories was more fun than doing her school work (her teachers didn’t always appreciate this.) In an effort to avoid getting a “real” job, Chelsea explored careers as a balloon twister, filmmaker, and paranormal investigator. Eventually she realized that her true passion is writing about flawed teenagers who are also afraid of growing up. When she’s not at the computer, Chelsea spends her time exploring abandoned buildings, eating junk food at roadside diners, and trying to befriend every animal in the world. She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada where she avoids casinos, but loves roaming the Mojave Desert.

Find Chelsea: Website | Twitter | Goodreads

Book Description:

398 pages
Published January 3rd 2017 by Sourcebooks

A teenage misfit named Hawthorn Creely inserts herself in the investigation of missing person Lizzie Lovett, who disappeared mysteriously while camping with her boyfriend. Hawthorn doesn't mean to interfere, but she has a pretty crazy theory about what happened to Lizzie. In order to prove it, she decides to immerse herself in Lizzie's life. That includes taking her job... and her boyfriend. It's a huge risk — but it's just what Hawthorn needs to find her own place in the world.


Thanks to Chelsea for sponsoring this giveaway!
What's up for grabs: Signed copy of The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett
Scope: US + CA

Get your daily dose of YA and MG debut goodness in #CelebratingDebutantes2017
Click the button above to be redirected to the main page where you can browse the list of novels and authors that we are featuring.

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Celebrating Debutantes 2017: The Big F by Maggie Ann Martin (Playlist + Giveaway)

Hello, guys! For #CelebratingDebutantes2017 today, we are featuring a playlist made and explained by Maggie Ann Martin for her debut, The Big F! She will take over the blog in a little while.
I hope you guys stick around for the music, the background and the international giveaway at the end!

The Music Behind THE BIG F

Music, for me, is my biggest source of inspiration while I’m writing. I like to find a song that fits a certain scene, and listen to it on repeat until I’m finished writing that scene. Songs set the tone for me while I’m drafting and editing, and I’m always on the hunt for my next inspirational song.
My playlist for THE BIG F (out August 29!) is one that I’ve had for many years. I’ve added to it since my first draft I wrote in 2012 to editing it in 2016. Though it’s grown over the years, there are some key songs that have pushed me through the writing process for this book.


The Deep End by Hannah Georgas I call this the song that started it all. I found this song through the MTV show Awkward and slowly became obsessed. The lyrics “who’s gonna hold your breath when you’re diving off the deep end?” really resonated with me and remind me of Danielle, who is essentially diving off the deep end into this uncharted territory, and she has to do it on her own.

Clean by The Japanese House I’m pretty sure I completely edited THE BIG F to the tune of this song. It’s mellow, calming, but has an emotional edge that guided me through some of the more serious parts of the book.

The Way to the Future by Katie Herzig If THE BIG F had a theme song, I’m pretty sure this song would be it. Danielle is so unsure about her future at the beginning of the book, and by the end, she’s charging head first at a future that she believes in. This song completely sums that up.

Even if It Kills Me by Motion City Soundtrack One of my all-time favorite songs by one of my all-time favorite bands. I think this song could apply to both Danielle and Porter, especially the line “For the first time in a long time, I can say that I’m gonna try, to be better and overcome each moment in my own way.” They are each trying to live a better, happier life and letting the people around them lift them up, rather than pull them down. Plus, I had to sneak a little Motion City Soundtrack on here.

All of the other songs on this playlist were either listened to on repeat when I was writing a particular scene, or I felt like applied to any one of the characters in THE BIG F. Let me know in the comments if you can guess which other songs might correspond with a certain scene or character!

Thank you, Maggie!

About the Author:

Maggie Ann Martin hails from Iowa City, Iowa but moonlights as a New Yorker. She has a shiny new BA in English and Journalism from the University of Iowa, the most welcoming literary community in the world. When she is not writing, you can find her binge watching TV shows or passionately fangirling over fictional characters on the Internet. The Big F is her debut novel.

Find Maggie: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Book Description:

Paperback, 304 pages
Published August 29 2017 by Swoon Reads
Danielle effed up. Big time.

Danielle's plans for the future were pretty easy to figure out... until she failed senior English and her single college application was denied. Suddenly she's in hot water with very few options, because honestly who applies to a safety school when their mom is a semi-famous "college psychic"?!

Determined to get her life back on track, Danielle enrolls in her hometown community college with a plan: pass her English class and get back into Ohio State and her mother's good graces. Romance isn't on her radar... until she reconnects with her childhood crush and golden-boy-next-door, Luke.

Between family drama, first love and finding her own way, Danielle can't help but feel a little overwhelmed. Thankfully she has her friendship with the snarky and frustratingly attractive Porter, her coworker at the campus bookstore, to push her to experience new things and help keep her afloat.

One thing's for sure: This time, failure's not an option.


Thanks to Maggie for sponsoring this giveaway!
What's up for grabs: Pre-order of The Big F from the Book Depository! BookDepo needs to ship to your country.
Scope: International

Get your daily dose of YA and MG debut goodness in #CelebratingDebutantes2017
Click the button above to be redirected to the main page where you can browse the list of novels and authors that we are featuring.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Celebrating Debutantes 2017: Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman (Author Interview + Giveaway)

Hello guys! Today, I'm featuring a YA contemporary starring a half-Japanese, half-American heroine! It's an engrossing read that tackles various themes. Readers who like character growth and family dynamics would enjoy this. I'm interviewing Akemi Dawn, whose name is so gorgeous, all about her writing and Starfish. Stick around for a giveaway at the end!

How does your background in the social sciences and in the US Navy contribute to your writing?
I don’t feel like they play a role in the stories I write, but I do think they’ve had an effect on my work ethic. I’m really good with deadlines—they keep me focused and I tend to work faster when I’m on a time-limit. There was also a saying in the military that went, “Hurry up and wait.” And patience is one of the most important things you can learn in the publishing industry!

How would you best describe your writing style?
Lately everything I write seems to be moody and emotional, and I don’t know why that is. A few years ago, I wanted to write stories that entertained people. Now I have a bizarre need to make everyone cry!

How is your writing process? Could you share it with us?
I’ve got a three-year-old and a one-year-old, and my husband works off-shore. When he’s away, I usually only get to write in the evenings after the kids are in bed. But when he’s home, I write every free moment I can. So it’s less of a process, and more of a desperate attempt to get all the words down immediately. I also start with very minimal notes—I write down character names, and a rough idea of where the story is headed. And then I get to know my characters as I write, and let their personalities shape the scenes.

What or who inspired you to write Starfish?
My inspiration behind Starfish was basically my desire to write the book I needed most as a teen.

How did you craft Kiko's voice? What are the defining points and limitations in establishing her voice?
Kiko is more like me than any other character I’ve ever written, and probably ever will write. So a lot of her voice was remembering how I would’ve reacted at seventeen, and what I was feeling. But she’s also so much stronger than I was too. She spends so much of the book trying to navigate these feelings of being “not good enough,” while also having big hopes and dreams and wanting to heal. She goes through such a major journey, so as much as I could establish her voice at the beginning, I also had to let her grow.

Which was the hardest scene to write, if any?
The scene where Kiko is in the car on her way to California. I find travelling scenes so difficult to write. Maybe because I hate travelling in real life! I find them slow, and kind of a necessary evil. If I could, I’d just teleport all my characters from one place to the next. The driving could be all over in a sentence!

What is your favorite line from the book?
Almost every chapter ends in a line that describes what Kiko is drawing or painting. And I love so many of these, that it’s almost impossible for me to choose. But the one I think reflects the book the most reads, “I draw a very small fish swimming in the ocean and realizing it’s filled with planets and stars.” This is also in the same chapter where the reader will learn what a “starfish” is, so I think it’s really fitting for the book (and cover!).

If you could write something out of the YA contemporary genre, what genre would it be and what would it be about?
I’m actually working on a YA fantasy right now! But I don’t like to talk about projects this early in the drafting stage. I’m always a bit worried that the more I say, the more likely I am to feel burned out on a story. But I’m having a lot of fun with it, and will hopefully get to talk about it more in the future!

What's next for Akemi?
Book 2 was officially announced last week. It’s called SUMMER BIRD BLUE, and will be out in Fall 2018 with Simon Pulse. It’s about a teen songwriter who loses her sister in a tragic accident and is sent to live with her aunt in Hawaii while her mom deals with her own grief. It’s about loss, and family, and learning how to say goodbye to someone who is already gone. And one of the best parts is that I get to work with my incredible editor, Jen, for a second time. I’m thrilled, and can’t wait to share more soon!

Thank you, Akemi!

Photo by Rory Lewis Photography
About the Author:

Akemi Dawn Bowman is the author of Starfish. She’s a proud Ravenclaw and Star Wars enthusiast, who served in the US Navy for five years and has a BA in social sciences from UNLV. Originally from Las Vegas, she currently lives in England with her husband, two children, and their Pekingese mix. Starfish will be published later this year (9/26/17, Simon Pulse/Simon & Schuster), with a second YA contemporary to follow in Fall 2018. She is represented by Penny Moore of Empire Literary.

Find Akemi: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Instagram

Book Description:

Hardcover, 320 pages
Expected publication: September 26th 2017 by Simon Pulse

Kiko Himura has always had a hard time saying exactly what she’s thinking. With a mother who makes her feel unremarkable and a half-Japanese heritage she doesn’t quite understand, Kiko prefers to keep her head down, certain that once she makes it into her dream art school, Prism, her real life will begin.

But then Kiko doesn’t get into Prism, at the same time her abusive uncle moves back in with her family. So when she receives an invitation from her childhood friend to leave her small town and tour art schools on the west coast, Kiko jumps at the opportunity in spite of the anxieties and fears that attempt to hold her back. And now that she is finally free to be her own person outside the constricting walls of her home life, Kiko learns life-changing truths about herself, her past, and how to be brave.

From debut author Akemi Dawn Bowman comes a luminous, heartbreaking story of identity, family, and the beauty that emerges when we embrace our true selves.


Thanks to Akemi for sponsoring this giveaway!
What's up for grabs: Pre-order of Starfish
Scope: International

Get your daily dose of YA and MG debut goodness in #CelebratingDebutantes2017
Click the button above to be redirected to the main page where you can browse the list of novels and authors that we are featuring.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Celebrating Debutantes 2017: Dear Martin by Nic Stone (Playlist + Giveaway)

Hi guys! Sorry for the silence - I've been swallowed up by work - but I'm now back full force! Today I'm featuring one of the most anticipated debuts for 2017 - Dear Martin by Nic Stone! Nic is going to share with us her playlist for her debut. Stick around for the music and the giveaway!

For seventeen year old Justyce McAllister—and many of the real life African American young men (and ladies) like him—life isn’t always easy. This playlist includes everything from songs that would get him and his best friend Manny feeling good about themselves (see: Classic Man and The Man) to heavier songs that highlight the need for change (Everything Must Change; Fight the Power) to songs that convey hope for a better future (A Change is Gonna Come; Glory) to even a couple of unexpected tracks you’d likely hear on one of Manny’s random playlists (Somethin Bad; A World Alone). Taken together, they represent the message of DEAR MARTIN to a tee: life and people are complex, and it’s perfectly fine to feel, but at the end of the day, it’s up to us to offer the world our very best.

Thank you, Nic!

About the Author:

Nic Stone was born and raised in a suburb of Atlanta, GA, and the only thing she loves more than an adventure is a good story about one. After graduating from Spelman College, she worked extensively in teen mentoring and lived in Israel for a few years before returning to the US to write full-time. Growing up with a wide range of cultures, religions, and backgrounds, Stone strives to bring these diverse voices and stories to her work.

Stone lives in Atlanta with her husband and two sons. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram at @getnicced or on her website

Find Nic: Website | Twitter | Instagram| Goodreads

Book Description:

Hardcover, 224 pages
Expected publication: October 17th 2017 by Crown Books for Young Readers

Justyce McAllister is top of his class, captain of the debate team, and set for the Ivy League next year—but none of that matters to the police officer who just put him in handcuffs. He is eventually released without charges (or an apology), but the incident has Justyce spooked. Despite leaving his rough neighborhood, he can’t seem to escape the scorn of his former peers or the attitude of his prep school classmates. The only exception: Sarah Jane, Justyce’s gorgeous—and white—debate partner he wishes he didn’t have a thing for.

Struggling to cope with it all, Justyce starts a journal to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But do Dr. King’s teachings hold up in the modern world? Justyce isn’t so sure.

Then comes the day Justyce goes driving with his best friend, Manny, windows rolled down, music turned up. Way up. Much to the fury of the white off-duty cop beside them. Words fly. Shots are fired. And Justyce and Manny get caught in the crosshairs. In the media fallout, it’s Justyce who is under attack. The truth of what happened that night—some would kill to know. Justyce is dying to forget.


Thanks to Nic for sponsoring this giveaway!
What's up for grabs: Signed Personalized Hardcover and bookmark
Scope: US only

Get your daily dose of YA and MG debut goodness in #CelebratingDebutantes2017
Click the button above to be redirected to the main page where you can browse the list of novels and authors that we are featuring.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Celebrating Debutantes 2017: Noah Can't Even by Simon James Green (Character Interview + Giveaway)

Hi guys! We're finally entering the second month of #CelebratingDebutantes2017! Thanks to everyone who participated and helped us in coming up with these features, as well as to our readers who continue participating and supporting the event.

Today, I'm have a special treat for you guys. Scholastic is sponsoring the giveaway for our featured novel: Noah Can't Even by Simon James Green.
It's going to be open internationally! So stick around for that.

In the meantime, Noah is on the hot seat for an interview. Let's start with that, shall we?

Hello, Noah! Introduce yourself, please.
Noah Grimes. I am nearly 16, and am the star of so-called ‘novel’ Noah Can’t Even. It’s a monumentally terrible piece of writing, full of lies about my life, and I wouldn’t recommend you bother reading it. I am a boy, and live in a small town called Little Fobbing, situated in the county of Lincolnshire, England. My favourite things are Agatha Christie novels, Murder She Wrote and Skittles. Not bragging, but I’m probably going to be made a Prefect next year.

If you could change something about your story or your story world, what would it be? Why?
Well, for a start, I would be the wealthy son of an aristocrat because it is perfectly obvious to me, and most people who meet me, that I must have been accidentally swapped at birth, and should in fact be royalty or something. I have to suffer the daily indignity of my mother having no money and refusing to cook restaurant-quality food – but if I was rich, there would be staff to do this. Also, I would have more muscles and not be so skinny. Finally, I would never have to take part in a PE lesson ever again, thus removing a major source of humiliation for me.

If you could invite the author of your story, Simon, what would you two do together?
I am still very angry with Simon for writing this book, so this is unlikely to happen – unless we go for a cliff top walk and I ‘accidentally’ push him over the edge…

Harry or Sophie? Why?
Sophie for advice, Harry for cuddles.

What is your favorite Beyonce song, since your mom is a dedicated fan?
I am actually not a fan of popular music and it is especially hard for me to like Beyoncé when my mother has ruined most of her songs. My gran is a big fan of 80’s music, so sometimes I listen to those with her.

If you could attend Pride Parade, would you go? What would be your outfit and what would you do?
Yes, I always enjoy any sort of parade or carnival – especially if I am taking part. I recently enjoyed huge success and acclaim when I dressed up as a Pikachu for the town’s summer carnival parade. Many people pointed and laughed, so I would probably go to a Pride parade as that and hand out free Skittles as they are both rainbow coloured and my favourite type of confectionary.

What is the hardest problem you have faced in life? How did you deal with it?
It was pretty tough when I was overlooked for Dinner Monitor in Year 8. I was pretty confident they were going to elect me as Dinner Monitor, so it came as a blow when it didn’t happen. To deal with this, I mounted a smear campaign against two of the successful candidates, highlighting the fact I saw them fail to wash their hands properly after going to the bathroom. They were forced to resign and I took my rightful position.

What is your deepest, darkest secret?
I have a copy of Nancy Drew – The Clue of the Dancing Puppet, which belongs to the school library and is overdue by two years. I am too embarrassed to return it and anyway, the fine would be huge. I am devising a way to hack the school library computer system and remove all trace of my ever taking it out. But all this is obviously secret.

If you could read a book now, what would it be and why?
I am very interested in a book called ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie. The book promises to increase my popularity, help win people to my way of thinking and increase my influence and prestige. How fabulous! With this book, I feel I will be unstoppable and will definitely be elected Head Boy in the Sixth Form.

Is there something you would like to tell the audience/readers?
I would be delighted if you would follow me on Twitter, where I talk about important things - @noahgrimes12

Thank you, Noah and Simon for making this happen!

About the Author:

Simon is an author and screenwriter and he sometimes does a bit of directing too. He actually did a Law degree at Cambridge University, but decided he loved writing and directing too much to go and be a lawyer. He has worked on lots of West End shows including The Rocky Horror Show, Rent and West Side Story and he has also directed Hollyoaks for Lime Pictures / C4. He writes screenplays with his good friend Sarah Counsell, including Rules of Love, a feature-length musical rom-com for the BBC, which has since sold around the world. Noah Can’t Even was selected for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators ‘Undiscovered Voices’ competition in 2016 and it’s his first novel.

Find Simon: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Instagram

Book Description:

Paperback, 365 pages
Published May 4th 2017 by Scholastic

Poor Noah Grimes! His father disappeared years ago, his mother's Beyonce tribute act is an unacceptable embarrassment, and his beloved gran is no longer herself. He only has one friend, Harry, and school is...Well, it's pure HELL. Why can't Noah be normal, like everyone else at school? Maybe if he struck up a romantic relationship with someone - maybe Sophie, who is perfect and lovely - he'd be seen in a different light? But Noah's plans are derailed when Harry kisses him at a party. That's when things go from bad to utter chaos.


Big thanks to Scholastic for sponsoring this giveaway!
What's up for grabs: Finished Copy of Noah Can't Even by Simon James Green!
Scope: International

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