Hi guys! Today you're in for a special treat. Jilly did her magic and made this fun character interview possible - with Rachel and Kyle from #Famous! I love Instagram and I can totally see myself loving this book to bits. Hope you like it! Stick around for a special giveaway at the end.
For additional points, you could answer this question: If you could post a photo on Instagram that you wouldn't have otherwise posted on a normal day, what would it be and why?
Tomorrow, head over to Blackplume for the next feature!
Precious: mic test, mic test. Is this thing working?
*Staff scrambles to fix the sound system*
Precious: Perfeeect. Hello, Rachel and Kyle! *winks* Let's start with the interview.
Describe your happiest moment to us.
Rachel: I'm not sure what I'd even pick.
Kyle: It's when you first laid eyes on me, obviously.
Rachel: You're cute and all, but that's ridiculous.
Kyle: That's mine but for you.
Rachel: And you're a total liar.
Kyle: But it sounds good, right?
Rachel: It sounds sappy. If I put that in a play Mo would cross it out and write "cliche" in red pen all over the page. And my face. And your face.
Kyle: Alright, fair. Don't tell her I said it. Mo kinda terrifies me.
What is love, for you?
Rachel: Do you even know that at our age? I feel like I'm still finding that out, honestly.
Kyle: I think love is when you'd rather make someone else happy than yourself.
Rachel: Now I feel like a jerk. What he said. Or...I dunno, puppies.
Kyle: Love is puppies?
Rachel: It's a metaphor. Or...whatever, Kyle wins this question.
Kyle: [fist pumps]
What is your ideal "happy ending?"
Kyle: I'm pretty sure whatever I say you're gonna tell me it's a cliche again, right?
Rachel: Not if you said "and then I finally accepted that my girlfriend is, and always will be, a better bowler than I am."
Kyle: She said ending. That's not over.
Rachel: Keep telling yourself that, Kyle.
What is your biggest mistake?
Kyle: Oh man, these are seriously intense questions.
Rachel: I mean, on one level the picture was a mistake...
Kyle: Oh c'mon, you don't mean that.
Rachel: Let me finish! I was going to say that on another level, it turned out pretty alright in the end.
Kyle: [indignant, gestures to self] Pretty alright? This is way better than pretty alright. I'm at least...
Rachel: A good consolation prize?
Kyle: Exactly.
What is your favorite quote? Have you used it on each other?
Rachel: Wow...can I just say "all of Mrs. Dalloway?"
Kyle: There's no way you can say that.
Rachel: Fine. I guess...I like this one Thoreau quote, "the world is but a canvas to our imagination." Sometimes it helps me when I have serious writer's block.
Kyle: Umm...put up or shut up?
Rachel: That's not even a quote.
Kyle: Sure it is. Ollie says it all the time.
Rachel: Your favorite quote is by Ollie.
Kyle: My favorite quote is...something you've written. That I'll remember later.
Rachel: Nice save. And for the record, he has totally used that on me.
If you could post a photo on Instagram right now, what would it be and what would be the caption?
Rachel: Seriously, anything but a picture of this one. I get it, every other girl on earth is into him.
Kyle: Are you jealous? I'd post a picture of you. With the caption "The most beautiful girl in the world and somehow she fell for a doofus like me."
Rachel: You are a total suck-up.
Kyle: But, like, it works, right?
Rachel rolls her eyes but can't repress a grin
Is there something you can't do now that you could do before the incident? What is it? Why?
Kyle: I can't really work at Burger Barn any more.
Rachel: That's totally a perk.
Kyle: For sure. I'm not complaining.
Rachel: Sometimes I get recognized which is utterly bizarre. But it's not like I can't go out in public or anything. Unless I straighten my hair. But I could never really do that effectively in the first place.
Is there anything you would like to change in your life?
Kyle: Honestly? Not even a little. I feel like I won the lottery or something.
Rachel: I'd like to be a Tony-winning playwright.
Kyle: Oh, fine. If we're playing that way, I want, like...a yacht?
Rachel: I'd go with castle.
Kyle: Why choose?
Rachel: Good point. So the Tony, and the yacht and the castle. Otherwise I'm content.
Thank you, Jilly!
Jilly Gagnon is currently based in Chicago, but is originally from Minnesota, a fact she'll likely inform you of within minutes of meeting you. Her humor writing, personal essays, and op-eds have appeared in Newsweek, Elle, Vanity Fair, Boston Magazine, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Toast, and The Hairpin, among others.
She writes both humor and young adult fiction. She's represented by Dawn Frederick of Red Sofa Literary (for humor) and Taylor Haggerty of Waxman Leavell (for young adult writing).
She's an especially good conversation partner if you love amazing cocktails, terrible television, or talking to your cats.
Find Jily: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads
Book Description:
Hardcover, 384 pages
Published February 14th 2017 by Katherine Tegen Books
In this modern-day love story, Girl likes Boy, Girl takes photo of Boy and posts it online, Boy becomes accidentally insta-famous. And what starts out as an innocent joke spirals into a whirlwind adventure that could change both their lives—and their hearts—forever. But are fame and love worth the price?
Told in alternating points of view, #famous captures the out-of-control thrill ride of falling for someone in front of everyone.
Thanks to Jilly for sponsoring this giveaway!
What's up for grabs: Signed ARC of #Famous
Scope: US
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This looks like such a fun book! I can't wait to read it!