Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dystopian Domination 4 is here!

Hi guys! So there's a really good reason why it's been quiet around here... No, I'm not on a hiatus. I've been very busy behind the scenes aka emailing tons of authors and organizing, plotting, the usual shiz. And I'm happy to say that the domination is officially back!

In the tradition of spreading the dystopian love throughout the blogosphere, yours truly and Kai @ Amaterasu Reads bring you the fourth wave: Dystopian Domination 4!

When: June 26 to July 18, 2013
Where: Fragments of Life + Amaterasu Reads
How: Guest Posts, Author Interviews, Character Interviews and Giveaways

I am prepared. I present to you le schedule of madness:

So... *nudges* Are you guys excited now? No?

The amazing Kai prepared these (look down!) These are inspired by and lifted from the cover of Ward by Jordana Franknel. We don't own the art but instead we appreciate it and choose it as the design for our event button since it sets the dystopic mood.

That's all for now. See you tomorrow!


  1. First, it's finally here! My first ever Dystopian Domination! I can't wait for this awesomeness! And what a fantastic button! I think it will look good in my blog's sidebar. *winks* Hee. And the line-up, oh the line-up. <3

  2. Congrats girls! You have my support! And you've got cool giveaways! Precious & Kai, KAYO NA! This is DE-LI-CIOUS! I'm getting the button too. I hope you could get Demitria Lunetta as part of DD4. Her book IN THE AFTER is full of awesomeness!

  3. YAY!!!!! Excited to see all the participating Authors :)

    Wohoooo.... Applause to Precious and Kai :)

