Monday, May 16, 2011

Guest Post by Elana Johnson + Giveaway: Signed Finished Copy of Possession!

Today, a famous debut author is visiting Fragments of Life and honoring us with a brief post about her debut, Possession. Ladies and gents, please welcome…Elana Johnson!

Examining Dystopian Lit to Examine Ourselves

POSSESSION is what I’m calling “an angry girl novel set in a futuristic society.” You’d probably call it a dystopian novel. *wink*

The novel—and all dystopian literature—means something to me, but I’m not sure it does to everyone. I didn’t write POSSESSION with a specific agenda, or as a commentary, of any kind. I wrote it because it’s the kind of book I like to read. I think that’s something all authors should strive to do—just write a book they’d like to read.

That said, I do think there are some messages inside the story. My inspiration for the novel was the question: “What if people had completely lost their free will?” and that easily translated into a young adult novel, because most teens (the ones I polled today, anyway) believe they’re living that kind of life. They’ve always got someone in their face, telling them what to do.

So POSSESSION does have some interesting themes there: Who’s telling you what to do/believe? Are you listening?

I also think POSSESSION twists good and bad in interesting ways. I enjoy thinking about what is good and what is bad, and who gets to decide those things. So, of course, that way of looking at things made it into the novel. I do think that this classic examination of one’s thoughts/beliefs is present in most dystopian novels. They are “thinking” novels, and I like that about the genre.

I’m hoping readers will crack open POSSESSION with an open mind, and close it having thought a little bit about what *they* believe. And why. And who’s telling them that. If they don’t, that’s okay too.

What dystopian novels have you read? Did they make you think about yourself? Your life? What you believe?

Elana's debut novel, POSSESSION, will be published by Simon & Schuster on June 7, 2011.

She wishes she could experience her first kiss again, tell the mean girl where to shove it, and have cool superpowers like reading minds and controlling fire. To fulfill her desires, she writes young adult science fiction and fantasy.

She is the author of From the Query to the Call, an ebook that every writer needs to read before they query.

She runs a personal blog on publishing and is a founding author of the QueryTracker blog. She blogs regularly at The League of Extraordinary Writers, and is a member of SCBWI.

Giveaway: Signed Finished Copy of Possession
Vi knows the Rule: Girls don't walk with boys, and they never even think about kissing them. But no one makes Vi want to break the Rules more than Zenn...and since the Thinkers have chosen him as Vi's future match, how much trouble can one kiss cause? The Thinkers may have brainwashed the rest of the population, but Vi is determined to think for herself.

But the Thinkers are unusually persuasive, and they're set on convincing Vi to become one of them...starting by brainwashing Zenn. Vi can't leave Zenn in the Thinkers' hands, but she's wary of joining the rebellion, especially since that means teaming up with Jag. Jag is egotistical, charismatic, and dangerous--everything Zenn's not. Vi can't quite trust Jag and can't quite resist him, but she also can't give up on Zenn.

This is a game of control or be controlled. And Vi has no choice but to play.

Elana is awesome! Why? She’s offering a signed finished copy of her debut, Possession, to one lucky reader!


Be a follower.
Answer Elana’s question: What dystopian novels have you read? Did they make you think about yourself? Your life? What you believe?
Leave your email address!
Open internationally!
Ends June 13, 2011!

Extra Entry (Not required) 

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Did you miss a post? Click here for the complete Dystopian Domination posts!


  1. I read The Host by Stephanie Meyer - it was my first dystopian novel I have ever read - then Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Matched by Allie Condie. They make me think about this world, people who live there, how do they behave and I thought about that that one of the novels can be right and maybe that is the was the world will look like a few years(?) later. It is scary. But despite that, dystopia is my favourite genre. Dystopian novels are fascinating.

    +1 GFC follower (Nikita)

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    +2 spread the word:!/bookworm_nikita/status/70098593377292288

    +3 blog post:

    +3 I post your Dystopian Domination on my blog You can find it upwards, on the right side.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  2. I've read a fair share of dystopian novels, classics such as 1984 as well as recent ones like The Hunger Games. I really love the genre, because it makes me rethink our own society and where humanity is really headed if we don't stop and look around us every once in a while.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads (as Birgit on GFC)
    +3 Posted the Dystopian Domination

    danaan at gmx dot at

  3. I love dystopian novels. Recently I have read Divergent by Veronica Roth and Bumped by Megan McCafferty, but after Hunger Games I am still waiting for some really great dystopian book. Maybe Possession will take this place :)

    I am follower on this blog (as Triss on GFC)
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  4. This is great...

    GFC follower

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads

  5. I've read a lot of dystopian over the last couple years. My favorite series are Hunger Games, Chaos Walking & Forest of Hands and Teeth. They've definitely made me think a lot about my life and society today. It usually makes me grateful for what I have since things could be so much worse.

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    +2 follow Amaterasu
    +2 tweet!/Dani_Nguyen/status/70110028530589696

  6. GFC follower via Jayjay

    What dystopian novels have you read? Did they make you think about yourself? Your life? What you believe?

    I've read The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Across The Universe, Divergent, Delirium. Yes they totally made my think about myself and my life if I was in a place like that. I would believe in what I think is best for me and would fight for it.

    Email: fallendream03(at)gmail(d0t)com

    Extra Entries

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    Yay~ I made it! *cross fingers*

  7. I've read plently of dystopians as it is my favorite genre but my favorite has to be Battle Royale. It leaves you thinking long after you've finished it about how far you would go to to survive and if you were to ever be put into a situation who could you trust, if anyone. Could the nicest of people be changed and become a killer when it comes to fear?
    It also made me question how I would react to that situation, would I hide or fight? amazing book :] I actually prefare it to the hunger games. Thanks for the great Giveaway!
    GFC Follower: Beckyinwonderland

  8. I've read a ton of dystopias, but my favorites are It Can't Happen Here (written in the 1930s by Sinclair Lewis of Babbitt and Main Street fame, and it's AMAZING), Brave New World, The Sleeper Awakes (H.G. Wells), and the Obernewtyn series by Isobelle Carmody. More recently, Across the Universe and Memento Nora were wonderful. These are my favorites because they make you think about the potentialities of society and how individuals and power can be twisted to form a dystopian society. It's fascinating. :)

    I follow both this blog and Amaterasu Reads.

    susanna dot pyatt at student dot rcsnc dot org

  9. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    I've read a few dystopian novels - The Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld (which I loved), The Host by Stephanie Meyer (also good), XVI by Julia Karr (which, if I'm being honest, I didn't like) and Matched by Ally Condie (which I didn't think was that great either) and The Bar Code Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn (which isn't all that well-known but a great read). The ones I liked did make me think about myself and about the world we live in. It's a really hard genre to write, though, so I didn't like all of the ones I've read.

    hannah11200 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    I tweeted:!/PbackTreasures/status/70138847056510976

    I put this in my blog's sidebar at

  10. I've read a lot of dystopian novels including the Hunger Games, Delirium and Matched, but I think the main dystopian novel that has really stood out from the rest (at least of THIS year) is Divergent by Veronica Roth. I believe in the future that one day people will be classed - or rather divided - and this particular book made me really think about how the world could be affected if we were classed based on our own choices, and the consequences of them.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads
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  11. I've read quite a few, but the one that really stuck with me was The Hunger Games. It really makes you think about the possibility of our world becoming like that. Would we ourselves be brave and strong enough to SURVIVE. To be courageous enough to stand in for a family member that was more or less going to their death?
    And for what? For food and shelter and security.
    It really hits home.

    I'm a GFC follower here - Lee723

    I follow Amaterasu - Lee723

    I tweeted about the contest here -!/xLeeDx/status/70145016814772224

    Thanks for hosting the contest!


  12. +JMJ+

    I took a paper on Dystopian novels in uni, so I've read a great deal of the "canon": Nineteen Eighty-Four, Brave New World, The Time Machine, Fahrenheit 451, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, A Clockwork Orange, etc. When I started reading these books, I was fascinated by the exaggerated satires: the idea of where we might end up if we keep going down certain ideological paths. More recently, it has occurred to me that perhaps we are already living in a dystopia--that these books which were published so that they wouldn't be prophetic, never achieved that aim. And that is even more darkly fascinating to me!

    Thanks for the giveaway, Precious and Elana! =)

    +2 GFC Follower (Enbrethiliel)
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  13. Hi, thank you so much for this giveaway

    GFC - Kath Ellens

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  14. I have read a few dystopians, mostly adult (although more recently young adult). My favourites are the ones that focus on love, like 1984 and Matched. They do make me think about my own life and how much I value the ability to love others.

    Thanks for the giveaway offer.

    I am a follower. (Erika)
    +2 for following Amaterasu Reads (Erika)


  15. I have read the Hunger Games Series and Incarceron is a little of a mix between fantasy and dystopian. I think dystopian novels make me stop to wonder about how the world is going to look in the coming years. That is if we ever get to the coming years since every day a new theory is coming out with a new date on when the world is going to end. Dysotpian novels make you value life and hope that it never gets as bad has living in run down cities where you have to give up two children a year for the purpose of entertainment.

    +3 I have the button on my blog at

    Thanks for the great interview.

  16. I just started reading like 3 years ago and was introduced to dystopia by The HUnger Games. It change my life in the perspective of fighting. Years ago, I was like giving up from all the struggles I've met. Low grades, many school enemies. It's like the hell have called me. But then I read the hunger games and was inspired by Katniss. Even though the capitol is blocking her way, she continue to fight. So did I. I study and got higher grades. Avoid fights and get less enemies. That's life. Fight to live and survive.

    Follower (GCF: ivanbookworm)
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  17. I follow the other blog. I tweeted:!/ElanorLawrence/status/70174494123245568, posted the blog button on my blog, posted it (with a link) in my sidebar, and blogged about it:

    And as for Elana's question, I've read a couple dystopians like The Hunger Games (hasn't everyone read that?) and some less famous ones like the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson Haddix. I've always loved the idea of dystopia, especially the kind with totalitarian governments. I love how they can show a darker side to humanity, but also the hope of triumph over evil.

    elanor_gamgee [at] yahoo [dot] ca

  18. Huh, I've read my fair share of dystopian novels, too, I think. Let me see:
    Brave New Word - Aldous Huxley
    Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
    1984 - George Orwell
    The Giver - Lois Lowry
    House of Stairs - William Sleator
    Hex - Rhiannon Lassiter
    Matched - Ally Condie

    Mostly these books remind me to think for myself and how important it is that information is and stays information and is free of censure. Dystopian novels also remind me of what it means to be free and to be free to think. Also it keeps my over-enthusiasm for technology in check.

    +3 banner on my blog:
    my email is in the contact section, I don't post it openly


  19. The only dystopian books I've read are the Hunger Games Trilogy. Although I have a ton of dystopian books sitting on my shelves that I haven't had a chance to get to yet. Yes, it did make me think about myself and my life. It made me wonder how I would do if that was how the world was, as scary a thought as that is.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads (GFC: Tiffany)
    +2 Tweeted:!/tiffanydearxo/status/70177917765820416

  20. i love dystopians so much! i have written 2!

    americangirlie1991 AT yahoo DOT com

  21. I absolutely love dystopian fiction, whether it's a classic, 1984, or a new release. I really enjoy being able to question myself, and find the answers while reading a novel. Dystopians tend to give me a perspective I would've never thought of. One of my favorites is Fahrenheit 451. As a student, I was completely blown away by that novel.
    When I got into reading again and dove into the YA section, I discovered the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. He completely hooked me. Dystopians are my favorite genre to read.
    "question yourself"

    +2 follow Amaterasu
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    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  22. I've read a lot of dystopian novels recently. But the one which is still in my mind is the Hunger Games series. It makes me think about me... about what I'd have done if I was Katniss... And I'm not sure I'd have been so brave. It really makes you questionning about yourself I think. Or maybe I think too much... I don't know. :s

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads (Pisinat)
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  23. I've read Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman, the first two books in The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood, as well as the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. Just to name a few! I only recently really got into the sub-genre, but I am loving it so far! Dystopian novels make me think about all the different possibilities; what could end up happening to the world as we know it (and in the not-too-distant future too) and I have to admit, it is kind-of scary! I think dystopian novels are really meant to make you think.

    I am a follower!
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    Thanks for the chance!


  24. Dystopian novels I have read are, Inside Out & Outside In, Enclave, The HUnger Games (my first trip into Dystopia) and Divergent.
    From Hunger Games and Inside Out, it made me realise that no matter the person, one little change can effect us all. The main characters did sometinhg so smaill in comparison to how they were living, yet they managed to turn everything around and come out the other side all the better. It made me realsie that if one small thing can have that much off an effect then what small things am i doing that effect others?
    Im now waiting to read Matched :D

    I am a follower here :D

  25. The first dystopian book I read was The Hunger Games. I fell absolutely in love with that series and dystopian. I have since read a few more (Bumped, Delirium, Matched) and they do definitely make me think about my life. It is kind of disturbing to think about how close we all are to getting to the point in society in which these books are set.

    +2 Amaterasu Reads GFC follower Tiffany Drew
    +2 Shared on Facebook!/permalink.php?story_fbid=199018483475962&id=1212566230


  26. I've read some dystopian novels as well, but not many as I want it to. The first one I can remember right now is Fahrenheit 451 by R Bradbury. Recently, I read Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins & Delirium by L Olivier. More than once, they make you think about what you give for granted & think about this not-so-far & may not-so-crazy future they present you. Sometimes a very scary future but amazingly convincing.

    Follower of this blog (as Carol)
    +2 Follower of Amaterasu Reads (as Carol)

  27. Since last year I have been reading dystopian novels and I'm a huge fan. I loved Matched and XVI, because they left me thinking about life and everything for days after I finished reading them. I usually have so many thoughts after reading a dystopian novel that I have to share them with my boyfriend or my mom. I like to read them because I feel they open my eyes.

    Follower via GFC as GABY
    magabygc AT

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  28. I've read The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, XVI by J Karr, The Giver by Lois Lowry and several others that just aren't coming to my mind right now. These types of novels make me really think about what direction are world/lives/societies are heading in and what dangerous consequences those directions can lead us too. To me dystopian novels are the equivalent of the ghost of christmas future coming to visit Scrooge, they are a warning of what could happen but not necessarily what will happen.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads ( Ash )


  29. I've read The Host and the Hunger Game trilogy. I found the concepts interesting that life has changed so much in the not-so-distant future. I do think it makes us reevaluate our own lives and how ready we are for "the apocalypse" and what our world could be like after one. thanks! GFC follower! I can't wait to read this one! Wilsondev(At)

  30. Great post from Elana! "an angry girl novel set in a futuristic society" - I love that ;)

    I've read some amazing dystopian novels like The Hunger Games, Divergent, Wither, Delirium, Matched, etc. Each time I'm always faced with those reflective thoughts about myself, life, the future. I think dystopian novels affect me the most in that way, whether on purpose or not, nearly all deal with moral issues that we can relate to our everyday lives. And some with realistic bleak futures that are kind of scary to think about!

    I would LOVE to win a copy of Possession!!

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads
    +2 Tweeted:!/peacelovebooksx/status/70352810285350912
    +3 DD button on my blog:


  31. I have made it a point to read everything dystopian I can. The Hunger Games, Outside In, The Uglies, Delirium, Wither, Divergent,Matched, Across the Universe, 1984, The Giver and so many more. They are all just to good. I am so glad this genre blew up the way it did. They always make me question where our society is headed, like is this actually going to be out future? I love how each one seems to have and a new idea and each time I am like how have never consider that?
    GFC follower

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    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  32. I've read The Hunger Games, Chaos Walking, Matched, Delirium, Across the Universe, Enclave, and currently reading Divergent. I'm glad that I've been introduced into this genre because these books definitely made me wonder of the future.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads
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    sauvadeavelle @ yahoo dot com

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I'm currently reading Matched by Allie Condie, and it's sooooo good. Dystopian novels always make me think about things I do and how I treat the world, as well as all the issues we have with things like pollution. Matched is making me think about the whole issue of freedom and free will and making me selfishly thankful that I live in the modern world, where there aren't so many rules and people watching you all the time like in Matched.

    +2 I follow Amaterasu Reads

    GFC Follower - JessS

  36. GFC (jennifer)

    Let me start out by saying I have become completely obsessed with dystopian literature. I have read a bunch. And have a bunch sitting in my room to read. I have heard a lot about Possession and it is on my to read list!

    The ones I've read: Delirium/Lauren Oliver, Matched/Allie Condie, Uglies series/Scott Westerfeld, Hunger Games series/Suzanne Collins, The maze Runner/James Dashner, The Host/Stephenie Meyer, The Unidentified/Rae Mariz

    The ones i have sitting to read next: Divergent/Veronica Roth, Enclave/Ann Aguirre, Bumped/Megan McCafferty, Awaken/Katie Kacvinsky, Wither/Lauren DeStefano.

    I've loved all the ones i've read. And i've heard great things about the ones i'm about to read. Yes they make you think about the world.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads (GFC jennifer)

    +2 tweet!/jlkalman26/status/70536241866739712

    jlkalman26 at gmail dot com

  37. I've read The Hunger Games Trilogy, Divergent, Matched, The Uglies Series, The Host, and I just finished Bumped. :D I also have a couple others on my shelves waiting to be read. I loved dystopian books. Sometimes they make me think of myself, but usually I end of thinking of society as a whole more than myself to be honest. Which does end of making me think of my life and my beliefs. Like when I just read Bumped it made me think of all of teenage pregnacy and how it's portrayed in the media. It also made me think about what I would do in the situations that the characters in the book faced...which happens pretty much with every book I read. :)

    +2 I Follow Amaterasu Reads (as .ambur.)
    +3 I posted your Dystopian Domination on my blog (link:

    Thanks for this awesome giveaway and this fantastic event! :D

  38. The only dystopian I've read recently is Divergent by Veronica Rother. (I LOVED it!) It made me question which faction I would be in and whether I'd have the strength to change the world.

    whatinabox at gmail dot com

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  39. My first dystopian novel was Unwind by Neal Shusterman. I was blown away by it! Neal is a genius. :)

    But it was Lauren Oliver’s Delirium that made me really think, not just about my life, but life in general. A world where love is considered a disease? Where one of the greatest love stories (Romeo & Juliet) is dealt as a horror novel? That’s so terrifying and surreal. I’m so glad I live in a world where I can choose who I love and how I love.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads
    +2 Tweet:!/FreakChiq/status/70917351897444352

    Thanks for the chance!


  40. Ive read only The Hunger Games so far but Mockingjay had me up all night thinking about life and just the world and people in general (although I didnt like the book, unlike the first two, that one got me, ironically, thinking most). I think one of the greatest thing about dystopian novels is that we get to taste what it would be like if we made certain wrong choices.
    +2 follow Amaterasu Reads as well as your blog (undet the name LilyxJames)
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  41. The only one i've read is the Host by Stephenie Meyer and I really liked that^^ But this one sounds awsome!!!

  42. What dystopian novels have you read? Did they make you think about yourself? Your life? What you believe?
    I've read alot of dystopian novels but the one that really get me is "Battle Royale" by Koushun Takami how every character has its own dark side and how relationship breaks when its about life and death. it definitely made me think about myself and how would I react and how much does the government really in control of.

  43. Yea! Thanks for the awesome give away! I got to hear Elana Johnson speak at a writers conference in February and have been dying to read her book since.


    Dystopian novels I've read: The Host, The Hunger Games (is that dystopian?) hhmm.. I think that's it but Divergent is on my to read pile.

    The Host really left me thinking about my values and how I would react. It made me think a great deal about the greater good, superior species and vegetarianism.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads

    +2 Spread the word:!/pages/Peoria-AZ/Amber-LaMae-Murray-Writer/139842572708032
    (wow thats long)

    +3 post Dystopian Domination:

    BTW, I loved reading everyone's comments and now have a ton new books to read! Thanks y'all.

  44. I can't wait to read Possession. It will be my first dystopian.

    +2 Tweeted!/safaripoet/status/71113148551278592

  45. I haven't read many dystopian novels, but I like Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series the most.
    Dystopian novels mostly make me think about our society, what makes it work (or not), and what the future might be like.

    +2 following Amaterasu reads
    also your GFC follower (Dovile)

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  46. I've read a lot of dystopian novels but The Hunger Games always stands out to me. I'm reading Divergent now and it's fantastic.
    They do make me think about myself because I always wonder 'what if it were me?' Would I be able to make such tough decisions or be as strong?

    +2 I follow Amaterasu Reads
    +3 button

    m_laura28 at yahoo dot ca

  47. I recently started reading dystopian novels and I discovered that I like them a lot! I have read Delirium and Matched! They make me think about myself and life in genereal!

    GFC follower: vickyvak
    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads


  48. I've been looking forward to Possession so much! I've read other Dystopia's like the Hunger Games, Matched, the Uglies series, Enclave, the Host and Inside Out. They didn't really make me think about myself or life. They did make me think about what I'd do if I was in a certain characters position, though thats it.

    GFC Follower - Gabbie
    +2 Follower of Amaterasu Reads

    Gabbie-ethela AT hotmail DOT com

  49. I'm SO looking forward to reading this book!!! It's looks so good and Elana was one of my debutantes!

    Some Dystopians I ahve read include - The Hunger Games, Wither, Delirium, Matched and more recently Duvergent which was absolutely amazing! I don't normally thing about myself when I read it, I think along the lines of ' will the world be like this in 2050???'

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads
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    Badass Bookie xx

  50. +1 The Hunger Games was my first dystopian trilogy. and it was AMAZING! it opened my eyes to a whole new genre I never eve realized could somehow fit in with the YA world. Ever since then, I've picked up a couple more dystopian reads, but so far HG is my fav :)


    +2 follow Amaterasu Reads

  51. I've read The Hunger Games series and Uglies series. They do make me think about many things.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads

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    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  52. Love the cover

    Follower on both blogs

  53. Thanks so much!
    +2 I follow both blogs- GFC Chey
    +2 tweeted!/ohaiitschey/status/72795522351628288
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  54. The Hunger Games, Matched, Gone (by Michael Grant) and I'm going to say Tomorrow When the War Began is a dystopian, too.
    Tomorrow When the War Began certainly got me thinking. I'm Australian, and TWTWB was set in Australia. Some elements and phrases and places were so familiar to me, seeing them torn apart by war and the reasons WHY the war started (which sounded like a real possibility) was terrible. Really heart-breaking. It did really make me appreciate the freedom I have in my country, all our space and our much I have here. It definitely made me love my country more.

    Love your country. Love your freedom. Some people aren't as lucky as we are.

    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads

  55. I had read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and The Host by Stephenie Meyer.And had me thinking of the things I take for granted like water, clothes even food.

    2 Follow Amaterasu Reads : Yes Adriana
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  56. My most favorite dystopian novel of all: The Host by Stephenie Meyer. This did not have anything to do with Twilight, whatsoever, and the book changed my views of many things. Plus, I LOVE IT. It's freaking amazing. I seriously ADORE the entire story, how Wanda ends with Ian, and Mel with Jared--ooh, it's just so awesome! I can't help it. It changed my mind on the things people take for granted: food, water, our hands, our legs, and how healthy we should really be. It also showed me how our technology, our science is changing. I'm thinking the world is going to end up just like the world in The Host. The story reminded me of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers...anyways, a great giveaway!

    GFC Follower: Thao Huynh (USA)


    +2 Following Amaterasu Reads
    +2 Tweeted:!/chocolatestarpi/status/73150721989685250
    +3 posted your Dystopian Domination button on my blog:

  57. The Giver, Fahrenheit 451, and Brave New World are the first dystopians I have read and I've been hook ever since. They made me think about our society and how freaking close we are to fit in the novels. I'm glad I was assigned to read this by my teacher. I also read HG, Gone, Inside Out and Unwind. Unwind is such a mind blowing book!

    +2 for following both blogs
    +3 for blogging
    +3 for button

  58. Rule breaking's my thing ;) Can't wait to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!

    +2 AR follow - GFC name is Lisa
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    +3 button and link on blog


  59. I've read a few different dystopians such as Delirium, Matched, Divergent and The Hunger Games. I have many others that I'm waiting for to arrive in the mailbox!
    And yes dystopian novels do make me think about my life and the future! Thinking about what could lie ahead is a little terrifying…

    Sorry for the double comment. Forgot to leave my answer in my giveaway entry comment!


  60. I've read The Hunger Games, and now I want to read more of the genre!

    +2 GFC Follower.


  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I love dystopian books!!! :) thank you for the giveaway!:)


    +2 Follower of Amaterasu Reads - adrianga
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  63. Thanks for the giveaway!! Some of my gave Dystopian books are Matched, How I Live Now, The Giver, Into the Forest, & The Forest of Hands & Teeth.

    +2 I follow this blog & Amaterasu Reads with GFC.
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    Miss Lauren @ The Book Mistress

  64. Lately I read many dystopian novels like DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver or DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth and they became two of my all time favourite novels! They made me think about life at it is and how I could fit in the alternate worlds, sometimes it was even scary thinking about living in such a world!

    +2 I follow this blog & Amaterasu Reads with GFC


  65. Wither. It made me realize how good things are right now!

    +2 Follower of Amaterasu Read


  66. I have read The Hunger Games series, Uglies and Delirium. And I think what makes me like dystopian so much is that I can't imagine a life like that. It's like fantasy to me.

    Thanks a lot for this great giveaway.
    I'm a follower.

    by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

  67. I have begun the Hunger Games series.

    +2 Follower of Amaterasu Read

  68. I'm somewhat new to Dystopian, but have a lot in my TBR pile! I have read Uglies, The Hunger Games, Fahrenheit 451, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, and Feed. They definitely make me think about myself and life, and what I believe. It's a little scary to consider that the events of these books aren't far-fetched - they could easily become real, I think. As I read these books and their descriptions of the past or how events happened I always stop and look around - wonder how long until humanity faces such a thing.

    I'm a follower!

    +2 Following Amaterasur Reads.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!


  69. I've read The Hunger Games, The Host, Matched, Divergent, Delirium, and if Tomorrow When the War Began counts, then that too. I loved reading them, and although all those futures sound horrible, I kind of want to live them--even though I'm sure I wouldn't think so if I really were living them. I think that I'll die before our world will become a dystopia. I still think that our world will end with a zombie apocalypse.

    I'm a follower of this blog and Amaterasu Reads!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  70. My first dystopian was 1984, which made me value my freedom. then came The Host, with my Twilight days, I realised how much I value my boyfriend. After reading the 'romance' based ones, like Allie Condie's Matched, and Delirium by Lauren Oliver made me value my boyfriend... which i suppose would make me happy.

    I love books like The Hunger Games that really make me think... it's fantastic!

    GFC follower of both blogs! as Jadey!

    Sidebar and button -

    Thanks for these giveaways!


  71. I'm a follower Fran, thank you!

    I have read Delirium by Lauren Oliver and Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. It makes me think I will be a coward and not be as strong and brave as these heroins if I were in the same situation. :(

    lemondedefrancesca at

    +2 I'm following Amaterasu Reads (Fran)
    +3 I have blogged this
    +3 I've post the Dystopian Domination button on my blog

  72. I can't wait to read Possession so thank you so much for this contest!
    I've read lots of dystopian books but The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness made me think the most. I couldn't imagine what it would be like in their "world". I wouldn't want to explain further since it will be spoiler-y but it was a really thought-provoking series. And an amazing one as well.

    +2 I follow AmaterasuReads


  73. Thanks for giveaway! I read Hunger Games, The Host and also Uglies. I didn´t think about myself but about all world because of them. and I had been thinking what I want to achieve in my life and what I would never want to do...
    GFC: Jeanne
    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads
    +3 post our Dystopian Domination

  74. The books that I've read that are dystopian are The Giver by Lois Lowry, Matched by Ally Condie and the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. All of them made me thankful for living in a world where they do not control everything.

    +1 Entry
    +2 Amaterasu's reads follower

  75. I feel like the dystopian virgin here! I haven't read any yet because I just discovered the genre, but I ordered the Hunger Games and it should be in my mailbox sometime this week! The whole idea of dystopia fascinates me, so I know I will be reading a lot more now that I know about it:)
    I am a GFC follower here and at Amaterasu Reads +2
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  76. I'd really love to read this book.. the plot seems really amazing.. :)

    I follow both you and Amaterasu Reads :)
    I also tweeted here!/kla505/status/77425166950465536

  77. I've read The Hunger Games, Across the Universe, Matched, and Delirium. I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them right now xDD

    +2 I follow Amaterasu Reads
    GFC: Carina l. Tai

  78. Thanks for this! I want this!
    +2 Followed Amaterasu Reads (kimson_dino) JK17

    +2 Tweet:

    +3 Blogged here:

    +3 Posted your Dystopian Domination Button on my blog here:


  79. The first of the dystopian novels I've read was The Hunger Games, followed by Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. Then I launched head first into the dystopian novel craze starting with Matched, XVI, Bumped, Enclave, and Divergent. All of them made me think about my life now as well as what I believe in and what I think about the world today. It also made me think about how I'd handle it.

    +2 I'm an old follower of Amaterasu Reads
    +2 I tweeted: or

  80. I love reading dystopian novels- The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzzane Collins, Outside In and Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder, the Host by Stephenie Meyer, Across the Universe by Beth Revis, Hollowland by Amanda Hocking, Enclave by Ann Agguire, Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky, Delirium by Lauren Oliver, Wither by Lauren DeStephano, The Water Wars by Cameron Stracher, Bumped by Megan Mccarffety, Matched by Ally Condie, Incarceron and Sapphique by catherine Fisher, Divergent by Veronica Roth
    Ever since The Hunger Games, dystopian novels have become my favourite genre. I like them for the fact that they allow me to explore and mostly expands my mental boundaries. So many times laws-unspoken or otherwise- which you believe to be irrevocable are suddenly broken and changed, it is this challenge of always being open-minded when reading dystopian novels that attracts me. these novels not only challenge our opinion of what reality really is but while reading them i myself become a puzzle of different beliefs, opinions and views which gets a little less entangled every time I end a dystopian novel. So, in a way these novels actually let me discover myself too.

  81. I just finished reading Enclave, and it made me think of what kind of role I would fill in that kind of survival-of-the-fittest society. Would I have the strength to be a Huntress?

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!! I'm an old follower. :)

    +2 follow Amaterasu Reads (GFC - Marg K.)
    +2 tweet:!/ClockworkRevery/status/77897043863011329
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  82. Glad aka aloveforbooks:

    As required, here's my answer to Elana's question: The only dystopian I've read so far is The Hunger Games and I loved it! It did make me think. Even though I've finished reading it, I still kept thinking about some things about it. It took sometime to process the books!

    I also follow your blog Fragments of Life as aloveforbooks. Here is the summary of my extra entries:

    +2 GFC follower of Amaterasu Reads: aloveforbooks
    +2 tweeted:!/aloveforbooks/status/78821004411023360

    Thanks for the interview and giveaway. My email address is

  83. I've read the hunger games series and blood red road.They did make me think about my life and made me realize I had quite a lot to be thankful for.At least I didnt have to fight for my life everyday,right?

    +2 follow amaterasu


  84. I have read a few dystopian novels such as The Hunger Games trilogy,Restoring Harmony,Delirium and I am absolutely in love with the genre! On a deeper level,they do turn me all philosophical with the penetrating view of life they present and make me ruminate on life as we have come to know of in the present world and life as it should be,else the hazardous consequences that would meet us.
    +1 GFC follower
    +2 follower Amaterasu Reads
    +2 spread the word-
    +3 blog post-
    +3 posted Dystopian Domination button- hand sidebar at the top)

  85. I've read The Hunger Games series, The Giver, Divergent, Enclave and few more. One of the things I love about dystopian novel is how thought provoking they are. They give me glimpse of the possible future of humanity. Most of the time I found myself questioning the possible reality.
    +1 GFC follower
    +2 follower Amaterasu Reads
    +2 sidebar

  86. Oh, wow. I've read tons! The Hunger Games, Wither, the Uglies series, Matched, Divergent, etc. I always think that they really make me think about what I believe in and what I would be willing to fight for if push came to shove. Thanks!

    I follow you and Amaterasu Reads under The Story Queen.


  87. +2 follower
    +2 tweet!/michelledluvsu/status/79713721408172033
    i have read the hunger games and divergent.
    It made me think a lot about the world today, and what will happen in the future to me, as well as everyone else in society.
    starlightgirl678 at aol dot com

  88. I have read the Giver Series, Matched, Whither, Unwind, Rot and Ruin, Across the Universe, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Uglies Trilogy, Extras, The People of Sparks, The City of Ember, Delirium, Gathering Blue, The Cure, The Water Wars,How I live Now, The Iron Thorn, The Host, The Road, Bones of Faerie, Sunshine, Maddigan's Fantasia, and Lord of the Flies, among others.
    What I love about dystopian novels is that the show people for what they truly are. They strip down the characters, taking away conventions and the rules that govern todays society, and expose them. They can show that people are neither wholly good nor wholly bad, and that it's the choices we make that determine who we are in the end. I love them because they provoke such strong emotions in me--I find myself wondering how I would react in those situations. I'm not ashamed to say that at the end of The Road, I bawled like a baby.It was so sweet and sad and beautiful, and I guess that's what I really love the most; the fact that dystopian novels seem to connect with me at a deeper level and leave me wanting more.

  89. My favourite dystopian texts are:
    "1984" by George Orwell
    "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley
    "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut (short story).

    I love these stories. They're so much more frightening than any paranormal text because there's that element of possibility there...

    More recent dystopian reads that I've loved are:
    "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer
    "The Hunger Games Trilogy" by Suzanne Collins
    "Matched" by Ally Condie
    "Delirium" by Lauren Oliver.

    I'm loving how great dystopian ideas are now being brought to the YA audience. I'm hoping that humanity wouldn't ever be so daft as to end up in such situations, but "1984" is slowly but surely becoming a bit more familiar to all of us.

    +1 GFC Follower (Scattered Laura)
    +2 Follow Amaterasu Reads (Scattered Laura)
