Monday, May 23, 2011

Queen Bee of Bridgeton Tour: This or That + Giveaway!

Hi everyone, as part of the Queen bee of Bridgeton, I will be having a This or That with Sybil Nelson! I hope you stick around for the giveaway later! :)

Coffee or tea? Coffee, definitely, coffee. I love coffee so much that the thought of having that first cup in the morning is what gets me out of bed.

Amazon or The Book Depository? Amazon. I had no idea about The Book Depository until you asked about it and I looked it up.

Cats or dogs? Um, do I have to choose? I’m not really a pet person. I guess I’ll go with cats because they are low maintenance.

Summer or Winter? Definitely Summer. The hotter the better.

Contemporary novels or Paranormal novels? Contemporary. I haven’t really jumped on the paranormal bandwagon yet. I like my men human. Like I said earlier…I’m not a pet person.

Walking or running? Um, do I have to choose. I’m not really into exercise either. I’d rather dance. I guess I’ll go with walking.

Chocolate or vanilla? Hmm. Tough one. It really depends on what it is. I prefer vanilla cupcakes but chocolate ice cream. I guess I’ll go with chocolate.

Reading in the evening or reading in the morning? Evening. I’m a night owl. I stay up late at night reading. But then I like to wake up early to so I can have that first cup of coffee.

Ebook or real book? Oh, I love the smell of a brand new book. Seriously, I do. But then I love the price and the convenience of an ebook. Overall, I think I have to go real book.

Writing alone or writing with friends/family? Definitely alone. I like to stick my ear buds in my ear and block out the world. I dive into the world of my book.

Thanks for dropping by, Sybil!

If you like something visual, you can watch the trailer:

Giveaway: Ebook of Queen Bee of Bridgeton by Leslie Dubois
When fifteen-year-old Sonya Garrison is accepted into the prestigious Bridgeton Academy, she soon discovers that rich girls are just as dangerous as the thugs in her home of Venton Heights. Maybe more so. After catching the eye of the star, white basketball player and unwittingly becoming the most popular girl in school, she earns the hatred of the three most ruthless and vindictive girls at Bridgeton. Can she defeat the reigning high school royalty? Or will they succeed in ruining her lifelong dream of becoming a world class dancer?

Be a follower.
Comment with your email address.
Open internationally!
Ends May 30, 2011!


  1. Please count me in! :)
    (following as thepamjelly)

    jellylovesbooks AT yahoo DOT com

  2. Sounds great.. GFC follower

    thanks for the giveaway!!!

  3. I always wanted to be a ballet dancer :D. Thanks for this giveaway.

  4. This looks very interesting. I used to be a dance major in college, but 2 knee surgeries later, I realized that it wasn't for me. This really does sound nostalgic.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  5. Hi there, I am now following your blog. My email is:

    Looking forward to more of your posts!

  6. I am a follower - adrianga

    thank you for the giveaway! sounds amazing! :)))

  7. Thanks so much! Looks great. :D

  8. Great giveaway! I would love to read this one.
    gfc follower
    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  9. Sounds like a good read.

    I love the Book Depository.

    Their all in price makes budgeting for books so easy, they are reliable and speedy and I just hope they keep going.

    Please enter me in the giveaway and thanks for opening it to worldwide entries.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

    I Follow via GFC.

  10. I used to dance *sigh*
    If only I was any good x3

  11. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    I'm a follower on GFC-Lisa Richards

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. GFC follower!

    krizia_lazaro at yahoo dot com

  14. GFC follower: Gisele Alvarado
